Ocean Freight Services To Qatar

Ocean Freight Services To Qatar

Home > Ocean Freight Services To Qatar

Are you hoping to organise low-cost sea freight to Qatar? Need a freight forwarder to take charge of all the important stuff for you? TSL Australia is here to help. We provide great-value and highly efficient freight forwarding services for any business carrying out goods imports from Australia to Qatar. Our comprehensive range of activities covers the whole gamut, from packing to distribution and from customs clearance to warehousing.

Goods Import: Australia To Qatar

If you’re an Australian business on the lookout for new markets for goods exports, have you considered Qatar? There are a number of reasons why you may want to export goods to this Middle Eastern country. For starters, Qatar has the richest residents in the world per capita, and is one of the most economically secure countries in the Gulf. This is because of its gas and oil reserves – it is the world leading exporter of LNG (liquefied natural gas). The country has also been on an upward trajectory since learning it would host the FIFA World Cup in 2022. If you’re interested in exporting to Qatar, you can get more information about the country’s market profile from the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade).

The goods trade market between Australia and Qatar is worth around $AU 947 million (2016-17), with Qatar importing around $AU 572 million of merchandise in that period.

Ocean Freight Services To Qatar

Shipping via the ocean is a fantastic option for businesses who are not limited for time. TSL can provide reliable and great-value ocean freight services to Qatar. We can organise packing, inland travel, customs clearance, warehousing/storage and distribution in both Australia and Qatar. If you would like to know more about low-cost sea freight to Qatar with TSL, please get in touch on our website, or via phone or email.

How Long Does It Take?

With TSL, goods imports from Australia to Qatar usually take between 35 and 45 days when shipping by sea. The transit time for our reliable and low-cost sea freight to Qatar will generally depend on the following factors:

  • Arrival/departure ports: Shipping from ports in southern Australia, such as Melbourne, will take longer than if your consignment leaves from a northern port, simply because there is more ocean to cover. It also depends on which port your goods arrive into on reaching Qatar.
  • Container type: Hiring private shipping containers for your load will usually mean it arrives at its destination more quickly. Hiring private, full container loads (FCLs) means your cargo will be subject to fewer delays than if it shares less than container loads (LCLs) with other businesses or individuals.
  • Cargo type: Certain items will be subject to stricter and lengthier customs checks when they arrive in Qatar.
  • Weather conditions: The ocean can be unpredictable. Storms and strong winds may affect the boat’s departure from Australia, its progression when out at sea and its arrival into Qatar.

Tips For Doing Business In Qatar

  • Qatar is an Islamic country which follows Sharia Law.
  • While English is used for business purposes, many documents need to be in Arabic by law – for examples product labels and invoices.
  • It takes time to build up trust and relationships in Qatar – winning business may be a longer process than what many Australians are used to – so don’t rush things. You may need to make many visits the country and take part in several meetings before deals are reached and papers are signed.
  • Qatar is more conservative than Australia, so men should always wear a shirt, suit and tie during business meetings. Women should dress modestly in long-sleeved tops and skirts below the knee (headscarves are not necessary).
  • Men should shake hands with other men, but are advised not to touch women at all unless they’ve given a clear sign that this is OK.
  • Avoid using your left hand to pass objects, eat or drink, as this is considered unclean.
  • Avoid sitting with the soles of your feet facing the people you are with, as this is considered offensive.
    Qatar’s working week is Sunday to Thursday.

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